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Each of the following programs, conducted by highly qualified staff, provides a unique and long remembered experience and educational opportunity. Minimum cost per group for each program is $350.00.


Diversity in the Biosphere


  • Presentation on ecosystem diversity and landscape, population and pest management

  • tailored focus of choice:

    • Eastern Barred Bandicoot

    • Eastern Quoll

    • Southern Brush-tailed Rock wallaby

    • Genetic management

    • Vegetation; floral pest species and landscape restoration

  • Discussion on purpose of survey and animal capture techniques

  • Students will set their own traps while learning the importance of proper trapping protocol and bait choices

  • Animal handling/processing techniques and data acquisition.


* To ensure welfare of animals, students will not handle the animals, they will observe and assist with data collection.


$50 per student | Duration 3 hours



Daylight Hike and Survey


  • Hike up through our granite outcropping

  • Discussion on importance of diverse ecosystems; assessment of changing landscapes and pest damage

  • Survey for Brush-tail Rock-wallabies and bird of prey species



$25 per student | Duration 1 hour



Guided Night Walk​
  • Guided night walk allowing students to observe nocturnal inhabitants of Mt Rothwell including but not limited to the Brush-tailed Possum, Ring-tailed Possum, Rufous Bettong, Long Nosed Potoroo, Southern Brown Bandicoot, Southern Brush-tail Rock- wallaby, Eastern Barred Bandicoot (extinct in the wild), Eastern Quoll (extinct in the wild) and Barn Owl.

  • Learn about the culture, history and habitat restoration of the property

  • Explore topics such as endangered species, feral species control, breeding programs (wild and captive), genetic restoration, ecosystem management and species adaptations



$30 per student | Duration 1.5 hours



Signs of Life Day Program


  • Discussion on our unique nocturnal species and our digging marsupials – how their diggings are a crucial part of ecosystem engineering as opposed to the damage of pest diggers (rabbits).

  • Demonstration of how to find and distinguish a range of scats, tracks and diggings

  • Student then must find their own signs of life, and attempt to identify animals with guidance from a ranger



$25 per student | Duration 1.5 hours



Tailored Programs
  • We welcome groups to do more than one of our offered programs, we simply make slight alterations to ensure your chosen programs complement each other and do not overlap

  • There may also be the potential to tailor a program to meet requirements you may want addressed that we don’t specifically mention on here

  • Please email us with any such requests and we can hopefully meet those requirements


Prices if doing more than one program can be packaged for a discounted price.





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